Good Samaritan Community Church supports missions on a local and global level
We support at least twelve mission organizations on a regular basis. Each month, there is one mission that we focus our attention on designating a Sunday for a presentation in the service. We have speakers scheduled throughout the year from various mission groups, share correspondence and various updates as we can and communicate prayer needs to our church family. We also sponsor and send people on mission trips. On a local level, we reach out to the residents in the care center at Good Samaritan Village, do acts of kindness to those within our village, and reach out to the homeless in our county as well as other opportunities the Lord gives us to be His light.
Endorsed Mission Agencies
GSCC endorses these mission ministries and encourages members and attendees to support their missionaries.
Click HERE for the AIM website.
Africa Inland Mission (AIM) is a Christian mission sending agency with a heart for Africa’s peoples. We have our roots in a small band of faithful men and women who, in 1895, ventured inland to reach Africans untouched by the gospel. Their vision set the course of AIM for over 120 years, as a community called and sent to live and minister among Africa’s least-reached peoples. This call still remains.
Our desire is to see the worship of Jesus Christ spread across the continent of Africa – through individual lives fully committed to him, and collectively through Christ-centered church communities. Our Lord has done a mighty work in Africa, where His Church is vast and growing daily. But with over 1000 African people groups who have yet to hear the good news of Jesus Christ, the task is far from finished.
Click HERE for the COM website.
We offer loving relationships, cultural experiences, acts of service, and, of course, the Word of God. They share the love of Christ with college students on American campuses. Through COM, every year hundreds of Chinese embrace the truth of Jesus Christ. Together, we are giving Christ to China’s future leaders.
Click HERE for the CMA website.
The Alliance (Christian & Missionary Alliance) was birthed in 1881 when Pastor A. B. Simpson organized a small group of believers devoted to experiencing Jesus in His fullness and making Him known to New York City’s marginalized dock workers.
Today, we continue to carry out our All of Jesus for All the World vision by caring for suffering and overlooked people through 2,000 U.S. churches and more than 700 international workers serving in 70 countries.
Click HERE for the MAF website.
Help bring the love of Christ to isolated people. People living in isolation are cut off from the outside world, with little to no access to health care, education, supplies, and the hope of the gospel. Our airplanes are the only way many people living in remote jungles, deserts, and mountains have access to life-giving necessities and the love of Christ. You can help us—and the hundreds of churches, missionaries, and organizations we serve—bring help, hope, and healing to the ends of the earth.
Click HERE for the OMF website.
OMF International (formerly Overseas Missionary Fellowship and before 1964 the China Inland Mission) is an international and interdenominational Evangelical Christian missionary society with an international centre in Singapore. It was founded in Britain by Hudson Taylor on 25 June 1865.
It is serving the church, sharing the gospel with partners having over 2500 plus workers from over 40 nations to serve more than 100 East Asian people groups.
Click HERE for the OMS website.
“By God’s grace, One Mission Society unites, inspires, and equips Christians to make disciples of Jesus Christ, multiplying dynamic communities of believers around the world.” - OMS Mission Statement
OMS is an evangelical, interdenominational faith mission that partners with more than 400 organizations and church denominations around the world for one purpose … to help fulfill the Great Commission by seeing the Gospel of Jesus Christ spread throughout the world with the greatest number of disciples made, and seeing God glorified in all that we say and do.
OMS partners with more than 77,000 national coworkers to plant nearly 6,000 worshiping groups (churches) each year. Together, with our 170-plus partners in the Billion.Global network, we have reached more than 400 million people over the past six years to give each person at least one opportunity to hear, understand, and believe the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Click HERE for the Pioneers website.
Pioneers empowers gospel-driven Christians to go to the ends of the earth together in relentless pursuit of the unreached.
Click HERE for the PPM website.
PPM exists to build up, encourage, and assist the local Church in serving and reaching their communities for Christ.
As an interdenominational ministry, we seek to celebrate the variety of the Church while leveraging what binds us together as followers of Jesus Christ. There is no more powerful example of God's love to a community than when His people come together to serve and advance the Gospel, all in the name of Jesus.
Click HERE for the SIM website.
SIM helps prepare and journey with Christians sent by churches to make disciples of Jesus around the world. However God has gifted you, there are many opportunities to help take His good news to those living without it. More than 4,000 SIM workers from 65 different nations are currently serving on six continents across the world. Click a region of the map to learn more.
(The initials originally stood for "Soudan Interior Mission," Soudan being an older spelling of the Sudan region of West Africa. After various name changes and mergers, the mission simply goes by "SIM" today.)
Click HERE for the SAM website.
For more than a century South America Mission (SAM) has been working to see the Church of Jesus Christ multiplied and transforming communities by embodying the Kingdom of God. It has been our privilege to participate in Christ’s sufferings. Some have even laid down their lives. We rejoice in the progress of the gospel, a result of the faithfulness of those who have gone before. Yet our zeal for God’s glory in the nations has not waned.
Today that zeal translates into visible form through our missionaries and partners working to share the gospel, reproduce authentic disciples of Jesus, plant churches, train leaders and equip God’s people to minister transformationally.
Click HERE for the WGM website.
God calls His people to go and make disciples locally and globally. World Gospel Mission mobilizes people to transform the world for Christ.
Click HERE for the WMPL website.
May God be glorified and may all people participate in his Kingdom. This is our aim. The World Mission Prayer League exists to see that populations with limited or no access to the Gospel experience the love of Christ and that believers and communities of believers in the Americas and elsewhere engage in active and collaborative participation in living out their roles in the great commission.
Click HERE for the Wycliffe website.
No one should have to learn another language to understand God's Word. And yet millions of people are still waiting for a single word of the Bible's life-transforming power. Let's help churches and communities around the world get Scripture in their language ... until all the nations worship! Wycliffe focuses on getting the Word of God into languages that reach people who have never heard the Word of God yet.
Disaster Relief
GSCC is supporting efforts to relieve the suffering of refugees fleeing Ukraine though CAMA Services. You can help by donating to Disaster Response through this website by clicking here, or via the offering envelop in Church--also by indicating your gifts for disaster response.
You can also send a check to Good Samaritan Community Church, 1441 Hoeger Circle, Kissimmee, Fl 34746.